Specific tests on various full or 1/3 scale test bodies were performed as part of the CEOS.fr project. These included:
- Tests under monotonic loading on 7 blocks, RL1 to RL7 (test body dimensions: 6,1 m × 1,6 m × 0,80 m). Before loading, the blocks were maturated with free deformations during at least one month then under loading in bending on a 4-point flexural bench. The blocks were made of different concrete mixes and have various reinforcements and concrete cover.
- Tests on 3 blocks subject to restrained shrinkage (test body dimensions: 6 m × 0,50 m × 0,80 m), RG8 (2% reinforcement, concrete cover = 50 mm), RG9 (0,6% reinforcement, concrete cover = 50 mm) and RG10 (2% reinforcement and an increased cover c = 70 mm instead 50 mm for other blocks).
(test body dimensions: 1,90 m × 0,25 m × 0,44 m)
The purpose of these tests was to highlight the Scale effect in comparison with full-scale test bodies and to check the validity for massive structures of EC2 clauses and crack width and spacing assessment relationships.
(test body dimensions: 4,2 m × 1,05 m × 0,15 m)
- 1 wall under non alternate loading
- 3 walls under alternate loading
- 2 ties (test body dimensions: 3,20 m × 0,135 m × 0,135 m) with one reinforcement bar
- 2 ties (test body dimensions: 3,20 m × 0,17 m × 0,17 m) with one reinforcement bar
- 3 ties (test body dimensions: 3,20 m × 0,355 m × 0, 355 m) with 4 Re-bars
- 2 ties (test body dimensions: 3,20 m × 0,355 m × 0,355 m) with 8 Re-bars
All test bodies were comprehensively instrumented in order to locate and follow crack propagation and measure crack spacing and width. Test data, including measurements from Digital Image Correlation (DIC) instrumentation, provides confidence in the reliability of the test results, and is recorded in a database.